We just finished our first week of the Spring Collection and the results have been amazing. In 2023-2024, we had sort of just free styled it for my oldest daughter's kindergarten year using whatever book was available at Costco plus an overarching theme which was successful-ish. By the time January 2025 rolled around we had four children - ages 6, 4, 2, and a newborn. We were seriously over our heads and both my husband and I and our two oldest were burnt out and the 2 y/o was at the helm of a (frustrating but adorable) revolt. We were desperate. This program has been a lifesaver, our daughters love it, they are totally excited for school, we're excited because we have some direction and resources, and many of the behavior issues we were dealing with have resolved themselves instantaneously simply by having the daily rhythm - how brilliant a schedule that is flexible and forgiving yet structured enough to provide security and predictability. My oldest is telling everyone about her new cards that are hanging up to let us know what we're doing for the day. And Treehouse's idea for a chore loop is so brilliant, I can't tell you how much guilt you've removed from this tired mom's conscience. I can finally clean my house yet not feel bad if something isn't done that day because now I can just get to it when it is next on the loop.
As for the Four Seasons Collection - it's beautiful, we love the illustrations they are so pleasant, calming, and peaceful to look at. I love that it is quite flexible. I can pick and choose what order we do the weeks to fit our weather (Canada), family circumstances, and the resources available at the time. I'm able to include my toddler which has dulled the chaos, or at least paused it for a period each day, and my oldest two are getting adequate learning in. But best of all it is teaching me how to teach. I have no experience with young elementary students and this collection has really allowed me to teach at their level and removed a lot of frustration from both sides. The only side effect is my 4 y/o who loves all things pink, ballet, and will only wear dresses (because "they are her joy") also loves villains in every story. So this week she spent a considerable amount of time waving her arms around declaring loudly "I'm a weedy character" (thank you Ms. Maple's Seeds). We are so happy and love this collection and your advice and can't wait to use it for years to come.