I'm Lyndsey, mama of four, and founder of Treehouse Schoolhouse. This space was birthed in the beginning stages of our homeschool journey to share inspiration and resources with others. Now our home education tools and curriculum are used by families all over the world.

Where did you get the name Treehouse Schoolhouse?
When I was 6 years old, my dad built my siblings and I a treehouse. We would spend hours in there, playing school and cooking show. I was always the teacher and would use my Childcraft encyclopedia collection to literally write up lesson plans and worksheets for my baby brother. It was in those four wooden walls that my passion for education was initially stirred, and that is what inspired the name Treehouse Schoolhouse.

What is your education and career background?
After high-school, I attended two Bible colleges, majoring in Christian education and Children’s Ministry. I was given the incredible opportunity in my early twenties to serve as a Children's Ministry Director for a few years and fell in love with developing lessons and teaching creatively. After that I went on the mission field for awhile, serving in Children’s Homes and Children’s Ministries in Southeast Asia. My last position before becoming a Mama was a private homeschool teacher. Between all of these positions, I discovered my passion for creative storytelling, good literature, hands-on learning, and curriculum-writing.

Why do you homeschool?
As a private teacher, we did a lot of our schooling outdoors. You could find us completing lessons in the woods, on a kayak, on a picnic blanket, at playgrounds, and in their treehouse! I saw the benefits, first-hand, of taking a child out of the box and giving them the opportunity to learn at their own pace, according to their interests, and in an environment of creativity and beauty. I knew that, if at all possible, I would homeschool my children one day. Some other reasons we homeschool is to lay a foundation of faith in our children’s lives, to foster family relationships, and to walk alongside them as they chase down the passions and giftings that God has put in them.

What do you enjoy doing for fun?
Writing blogs, taking photos, and creating lesson plans are some of my major hobbies, and it’s such a joy to be able to do that here with Treehouse Schoolhouse. I also love to drink espresso, hike, sew, cook, create cozy living spaces, and journal.

What will I find here?
My heart for Treehouse Schoolhouse is for it to be a place that provides biblical encouragement and practical tips for intentional motherhood and home education. Here you will find blog posts filled with life experience as I journey through motherhood alongside you. Our home education resources focus on seasonal rhythms, Biblical truth, living books, and intentional family connection.