Treehouse Nature Study Collection

Collection: Treehouse Nature Study Collection

Treehouse Nature Study is a year-long seasonal nature study curriculum designed with family-style learning in mind. It is a gentle guide meant to invite various ages to connect with each other and the world around them through living books, nature notebooking, hands-on projects, and beauty subjects such as poetry, picture study, and folk songs. Available in both Primary and Intermediate Years, Treehouse Nature Study will provide years of rich education for the whole family.

“Early in our home education I went on a search for a gentle guide to take our family on an educational journey through the seasons. I wanted something that was simple and beautiful and that introduced my children to art, poetry, living books, and nature in an organic way. I couldn't find what I had dreamed up in my head, so instead I developed it. My hope is that Treehouse Nature Study is a tool to truly awaken delight and wonder in your home education.”


Not sure which version is right for your family?


How long do the lessons take?

Since the lessons are presented as a menu, the amount of time spent on lessons can vary from family to family. It can also vary depending on the ages of your children and the depth at which you desire your children to explore the topic. For our family, we use it as our morning time plans, for about an hour, 3-4 days a week.

How many days a week should I do lessons?

The lessons plans are set up for five days a week, though many families prefer to pull certain pieces from  from the weekly plans and schedule only 2-4 days a week. Other families may use one week of lesson plans and spread the lessons for two weeks. Let the curriculum be a guide and serve your family.

What subjects does this cover?

Treehouse Nature Study Primary incorporates picture study, poetry, language arts, copywork, and natural science. Treehouse Nature Study Intermediate incorporates picture study, poetry, computer and research skills, language arts, creative writing, and natural science.

How do I use both Primary and intermediate together?

All of the week’s themes are identical to THNS Primary, making using both of them together seamless and straightforward. I recommend preparing the books and materials for both studies and guiding your children of all ages to engage with the study at their level, while maintaining the atmosphere of family-centered learning.

What are the differences between Primary and Intermediate?

In THNS Primary you will find hand rhymes, folk songs, a lot of fiction picture books, and simple hands-on projects and experiments. In THNS Intermediate, there are in-depth language arts connections, like creative writing and creating an illustrated dictionary. You will also find more non-fiction titles, multi-media links like videos, and podcasts, and more in-depth notebooking opportunities and experiments. Both levels offer poetry and art study, just at different levels. The best way to know which level is a good fit is to download both levels’ free weeks and compare.

Our Core Values

  • Whole-Family Learning

    Our resources are designed with family-style learning in mind, so they can be used across multiple ages.

  • Open and Go

    We design our curriculum to be easy to follow with minimal prep needed.

  • High-Quality Materials

    Our products are not only practical but beautiful. We use high quality illustrations and offer professional printing and binding.

  • Educating the Whole Child

    Our products educate more than a child's mind through music, poetry, art, nature, and rich literature.

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