Yeast Science Experiment and Recipe for Kids [Free Unit Study]

August 22, 2024 Treehouse Schoolhouse

In our nature study, we love learning about fungi, mushrooms, and yeast. The fungi kingdom is a unique natural organism that is so different from other elements of nature. Each time we study this subject, we learn something new. 

I also love studying fungi because we can take our learning in many different directions, adapting it to my children’s interests at various ages. We can focus on using mushrooms in the kitchen, exploring science under a microscope, or understanding the role of fungi in the outside world. 

This blog post includes a lesson on yeast, a science experiment, and a recipe. Read more for directions on how to do this experiment, plus download a free week of Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years.

In this blog post: 

Benefits of nature study

benefits of nature study kids

In my homeschool, we value nature study because I want my children to personally relate to and experience the world around them through the natural world. 

Nature study is as simple as spending time outdoors and observing the surrounding world. This habit is built over consistent time outdoors over days, months, and years. Being in rhythm with the seasons shows us how the world is constantly changing and renewing. Nature study is developed by connecting with nature time and time again. As children spend more time outdoors observing nature and learning to name the things around them, they will naturally form a greater understanding and deeper connection with the world around them.

Most days, my children will spend several hours outside, whether that is eating lunch together on our porch, running in our backyard, or exploring the woods near our home. Over the years we have gained so much life from living with the seasons and the rhythm of nature. As my children have gotten older, they are not only having fun playing outdoors, but they are starting to see the way the world is interconnected when you understand aspects of nature and how it relates to science and other everyday activities.

We also use nature study as part of our Morning Time together. My family uses Treehouse Nature Study to study nature year-round. In autumn, we study apples, spiders, pumpkins, the autumn equinox, and more. Treehouse Nature Study gently invites children to learn through living books, nature notebooking, hands-on projects, and beauty subjects such as poetry, picture study, and folk songs through the lens of nature. As children learn about the world around them, they will supplement their language arts learning with poetry memorization, recitation, copywork, and notebooking. 

Related: Notebooking in Your Homeschool: Why and How?

Yeast science experiment and recipe for kids

fungi science experiment for kids

The Fungi kingdom includes microorganisms like yeasts and molds. Fungi are classified separately from plants, animals, and bacteria.

Mushrooms can come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Edible mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of macrofungi, which are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They can grow above or below the ground and can be picked by hand.

Yeast is a single-celled organism that is classified as Fungi. Yeast can be found in nature and the human body and is an essential part of baking and many other food processes.

Learn more about yeast in this science experiment for kids. Scroll down to download Fungi Week [Free Download] from Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years for all the details. 


mushroom science experiment for kids

Directions: Learn about the common types of yeast by reading the Learn About Yeast Instruction Sheet. 

Follow the instructions to test yeast under a microscope.

Follow the instructions to test yeast in different water temperatures.

Use the “Mushroom” Focaccia Recipe to bake using active dry yeast.

Fun activities for learning about mushrooms and yeast

mushroom art projects for kids

Mushroom and yeast craft activities

  • How to draw a cute cartoon mushroom (Art for Kids Hub) – Draw cute mushrooms in this online tutorial.
  • 3D Paper Mushroom (Fairfield Public Library) – Use paper and glue to create a model mushroom in this online tutorial.
  • Recycled Book Mushrooms (Jennifer Rizzo Home + Studio) – Upcycle old books to create these stunning, aesthetic mushrooms.
  • DIY Pasta Mushrooms (Homemade Charlotte) – Pasta shapes make the cutest mushroom caps in this DIY activity!
  • Mushroom Stamping (Mother Natured) – Mushrooms make the perfect stamps in this craft that is accessible for all ages.

Mushroom and yeast nature and play ideas

  • Watch yeast “eat” in this science experiment with a balloon. (One Time Through)
  • Go on a Mushroom Hunt in your backyard or local nature area. Be extra careful to watch out for poisonous mushrooms or mushrooms with harmful chemicals.
  • Get mushrooms from nature or the grocery store and dissect them with knives, tweezers, and a magnifying glass.

Mushroom and yeast-inspired snacks and recipes

Online resources about mushrooms and yeast

Get the full unit study from Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years: Autumn – Fungi Week [Free download]

FREE mushroom fungi yeast unit study for kids

Get into the season with this Fungi unit study from Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years: Autumn. Fungi Week is a five-day study for children in 4th-8th grade. It includes a coordinating poem, art study, book list, language arts activities, hands-on science projects, and more. Download the free Fungi week from Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years below.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Fungi Unit Study from Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years: Autumn

Explore other nature themes with Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years

nature study kids 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th grade

Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years is a seasonal nature study curriculum designed with family-style learning in mind. It is a gentle guide meant to invite various ages to connect with each other and the world around them through living books, nature notebooking, hands-on projects, and beauty subjects such as poetry and picture study. This nature study guide for older children, 4th-8th grade, has an emphasis on science and advanced language arts.

Related: Six Core Values of Treehouse Nature Study

charlotte mason mushroom study

Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years is an excellent choice for older children who have done nature study throughout their school years but want to go deeper. It also coordinates with Treehouse Nature Study, Primary Years for family-style learning. Gather older and younger children together to learn about seasonal nature topics and use both guides to differentiate for their interests and learning levels.

Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years is a 52-week curriculum that offers year-round nature study topics. Every season hosts a variety of studies that directly relate to the surrounding world.

Related: Overview: Treehouse Nature Study Intermediate Years

autumn nature study homeschool

Each week of Treehouse Nature Study, Intermediate Years: Autumn covers a nature theme such as:

  • Apples
  • Birds of Prey
  • Autumn Equinox
  • Arachnids
  • Fungi
  • Deciduous Trees
  • Moon
  • Pumpkins and Corn

What nature themes and activities are you excited to study with your children this fall? Let me know in the comments below.

Related: Owl Pellet Dissection Activity for Kids [Free Unit Study] and Winter Solstice Activity for Kids [Free Worksheet PDF]

What nature themes and activities are you excited to study with your children this fall? Let me know in the comments below.

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