Resources to Help You Have Healthy Conversations with Your Children About Sex July 19, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse2 comments Ready or not, here it comes! Your sweet angel child blurts out a question out of what seems like “the blue” to you, but let me tell you–just because you...
Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 3rd and 5th Grade July 13, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse3 comments Although we homeschool year-round, we like to take a few weeks off at the end of the summer and have a fresh new start date for Fall. If I am...
Hands-on Alphabet Recognition and Formation Activities June 27, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse4 comments Two questions you may be asking as a new homeschool mom are: "How do I teach my child how to recognize letters and the sounds they make?" and "How do...
How We Use Technology in Our Homeschool June 14, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse3 comments To be honest, a few years ago I would’ve turned my nose up at the idea of technology being an important tool in our homeschool. I have always wanted our...
Family Devotional Review: Our 24 Family Ways June 08, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse15 comments When our older children were around age 5 and 6 my husband and I wanted to find a resource that we could use together as a family that would be easy-to-follow, get us in...
7 Tips to Help Children Memorize Scripture May 30, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse4 comments One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in Psalm 78. I would call these passages my "life verses" if I had to pick. They speak of the importance...
Best Sources for Preschool & Elementary Living Book Lists May 23, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse I have learned in my years of homeschooling that the primary resource necessary for practically every subject is good literature! I have realized that, maybe aside from math, we could get...
How to Homeschool Kindergarten + Top Curriculum Choices May 12, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse8 comments You have decided you want to homeschool your kindergartener, but where do you start? My hope is that reading this blog post will feel like we are having a coffee...
Our Homeschool Preschool Daily Rhythm April 27, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse6 comments [Note from 2023]: This blog post was originally written in 2017 when my two oldest children were ages 3 & 4 years old and we were not doing formal lessons yet....
Our Family Daily Rhythm April 24, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse10 comments With juggling four children, two businesses, home care, and homeschooling, you can imagine that our rhythm and routine are very full. Having a daily rhythm helps us keep the peace...
Our Homeschool Morning Time April 20, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse8 comments Morning Time has become a beautiful anchor of our day over the last few years. With such a wide variety of ages and needs, it’s not always peaceful and exactly how my idealistic...
Homeschooling 101: 7 Steps to Get Started April 05, 2023Treehouse Schoolhouse2 comments Maybe you are considering taking the leap or you have just jumped into making the weighty decision to be a home-educating family. Either way, you probably feel the full spectrum...